Friday, January 7, 2011

Rule Number 2.

Pimp-car on our street

Bikes on the way to subway

Building in Soho

Gem in Soho

East 2nd Street - our apartment is up on the left

Hi again,

Rule Number 2.
Snow White

The last two days have been great.....yesterday we spent the morning exploring our area. We're in a great location with a supermarket, pharmacy, bars and restaurants all within 5 minutes walk. We did a quick food shop and bought the essentials to keep us going for a few days...Adam had to keep me moving along the aisles as I kept stopping to look at all the stuff. I'm so fascinated by all the different types of chocolates, cereals, chips etc!
On our walk we discovered a great pizza joint called "Two Boots Pizza"....some of the 'pies' are named after movie characters and actors. For example "The Dude" (The Big Lebowski)consisting of Tasso, Ground Beef, Cheddar and Mozzarella - pretty much a cheeseburger on a pizza. I'm sure you can guess what Adam demanded we have for lunch that day....

Waking up this morning still struggling from jetlag...we looked out the window and saw snow falling! This sight got us out of bed. Adam took a quick walk down the street and returned with a massive smile and snow flakes in his hair. Having never seen snow before...he was pumped.
Time to start looking for more snow/cold weather appropriate jackets and boots. First stop - Broadway Street in Soho via the subway. It's such an awesome feeling having snow fall around you and landing on your face. Amazing. You soon forget about the cold temperature.
After a quick look at the shops and a visit to Starbucks (Adam was reunited with his Apple Fritter donut), we've headed back home to relax before heading out later.
Tonight will be a quiet one and tomorrow we head out to sign up at a local gym! We'll be needing it with the food temptations over here....
Tomorrow night we head out to see "The Merchant of Venice" starring Al Pacino.

Next blog will be on Sunday!

Much love, Gem and Ads xx


  1. So cool to hear you guys are settling in well and have landed in a cool part of town. Super jealous !
    Keep the updates coming !

  2. Very jealous. I was watching Flight of the Conchords while reading your blog and wondered if it happened to be in the same area you're in. Apparently it is. Have fun. Cheers, David Keers.

  3. Great to hear you guys are settling in well. Cool photos as usual. But Gem, you look like you are dressed for a Perth winter, not a NY one! Where's the beanie, huge scarf, gloves and 'Michelin Man' coat? Keep warm. Bern

  4. Thanks for the comments guys!
    Bern - we'll be heading back to buy the big jackets, didn't find any the other day. My current jacket is actually doing quite a good job but I'll need something more heavy duty soon. Beanie and big scarfs are coming out too...especially at night.
