Katz Delicatessen
Breakdancers in the subway
Rule Number 4.
Getting ready for the REAL cold...
Hey there,
Well, we've been here almost a week and slowly getting into the swing of things.
Sunday...we ended up training back into Soho to try and grab a North Face jacket to see us through this cold weather. On the way to the subway, it was quite windy. We'd read and heard about the wind factor but hadn't experienced it yet....until Sunday. OH MY GOSH. We've never felt anything like it. Everything on your face freezes up - nose, lips. We both looked at each other in shock and were speechless...what just happened!?
Needless to say, our trip outside didn't last long and we legged it back home pretty quickly. Good idea seeing as though Adam's flu was in full force.
Feeling like some homely/comfort food, we decided to cook up some burritos for dinner. Hrmm....it's just not the same. The cheese tastes different and the salsa here takes a bit of getting used to. PLUS it's actually cheaper to buy something from the local grocery or restaurant down the road!
Monday - Adam trekked off to the first day of his Film Editing course. I accompanied him on the train and we both had a Starbucks before heading our separate ways for the day. I wandered around Union Square, checked out the markets, browsed some of the shops and then walked through to the West Village/Greenwich Village area. Seeing as our Soho trip the other day was unsuccessful, I gave it another crack and sifted through the shops along there - without the pressure of a man shopping with me :) Still no good...this jacket hunting is harder than expected, especially finding one that fits me and doesn't make me look like michelin man.
I was pooped so headed home to find Adam already there!
A relaxing night was in order for the both of us.
This morning, we both woke up tired and cranky (well...maybe me more cranky). The lady who lives above us decided to walk around in high heels on a wooden floor between 12:30am and 1:30am. Up and back, up and back. We have no idea what she was doing!
Anyway, Adam being a trooper, heads off with a big headache for his second day of the course. I'm a little slower getting out of bed but finally get there. First stop is Herald Square - JCPenney and Macy's. Two massive department stores and I am determined to find a jacket for the both of us today. I head off on my mission with a peanut butter cookie in hand. SUCCESS! Finally...Macy's has the goods and I get one for both Adam and I. In order to get one that fit me I had to look in the girls/kids department!!! I know...you can all laugh at me but it was necessary! Not sure if they're built for a growing tummy though - I'll work that one out later :)
Ready to escape the cold, I head home as it's starting to get dark - it's 4pm. All you guys back in Australia....soak up the sun for us!! We miss it.
Much love, Gem and Ads xx
P.S Who wants to send me another tube of vegemite and a packet of tim tams?
You should be the one laughing at buying a coat in the Children's Department, Gem. After all, you've probably paid a lot less than the cost of an adult coat! Hopefully the coats will protect you both from the dreaded wind chill factor. Bern